
“Balance is the key to everything. What we do, think, say, eat, feel, they all require awareness and through this awareness we can grow.” Koi Fresco
Who is fortunate enough to live a balanced lifestyle ?
I know I’m not, as most days I go to bed mentally exhausted and toss and turn throughout the night. My menopausal night sweats don’t help, but quite often it’s because I’ve got a lot on my mind.
I’m not complaining… this is the lifestyle I choose, but I need to find balance in my life and give myself time to breathe.
A bit more about me…
There is quite a narrow age gap between my four children. My son was not quite five and my daughter was two when my identical twins were born. Life was chaotic for a while, but with a supportive husband and family, we coped. I also kept myself busy, I worked from home, joined the school PTA and went to night school to study photography. Throw in several visits a week to the gym, then nights out dancing with my friends and you pretty much get the picture of how I led my life. I put my life into compartments that allowed me to juggle my ‘hats’ and keep on top of things. This is not a unique story, as there are plenty of people out there who lead similar lives.
Benjamin Franklin once said that “if you want something done, ask a busy person.”
It’s not about creating a work-life balance. The one thing this horrible virus has taught me, is that I need to slow things down. After all, I’m not a spring chicken any more, although I consider myself to be fabulous and fit in my fifties 😊
So why did I decide to write a novel which is part of a trilogy, when I have so many other things that take up my time?
I love reading and have always managed to find time to read. Mostly when I go to bed, even if I only read a few pages before falling asleep.
With my job as an accountant, I am qualified by experience rather than following the traditional route of gaining qualifications through college.
I consider that my life experiences and love of reading have provided me with the tools to support this new chapter of my life. It’s something that has been part of me for a very long time.
Where is all this leading?
I am slowly decluttering my life to strike a balance and make room for something that is exhilarating and fun… a bit like my character Max in the follow up to Love is Crystal Clear.
A Balancing Kind of Love – Kirsty’s Journey.
A little snippet…
As for relationships… I don’t know how my mother coped over the years. She practically raised myself and my brother single-handedly, whilst my father jetted off to work. I knew my father worshipped the ground she walked on, and it broke my mother’s heart when the love of her life died of a heart attack. He was only 65 years old.
I didn’t want to go down the same path as my father. I tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and I took advantage of the hotel gym all the time. I knew airport food was not always the best choice, but at least I didn’t have to cook for myself.
I would love to meet somebody who adores me the way my parents adored each other, but I didn’t have time to go on a date. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a saint and I have had the odd one-night stand with women who I met through work, although not a member of my staff…
I’m forty years old and wasn’t happy with how I lived my life. I wanted to find a balance that allowed me to meet somebody and settle down. I wanted to fall in love…
Who else struggles with finding balance in their life?
Love Joanna 💜
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